? 服務||Yahoo!奇摩 知識+ 科學常識 教育學習 如何做 我要發問 發表 我要發問 熱門: 豬膽洗髮精 通膨 水瓶座 咖啡過量 走路看個性 主題 居家風水 用手機上知識+ 知識搜尋 知識+ > > 音樂> 電子舞曲 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 知識問題| piece of me的歌詞 發問者:Judy ( 初學者 5 級) 發問時間:2009-08-27 02:18:33 解決時間:2009-08-28 23:39:37 解答贈點:26 ( 共有 3 人贊助 ) 回答:2 評論: 0 意見: 0 [ 檢舉 ] 網友正面評價 88% 共有 8 人評價如題, 我無法連結至歌詞網, 很想學會唱這首歌, 知道完整版的歌詞可以提供給我嗎? 感激不盡。 最佳解答發問者自選 回答者:喲﹐ ( 初學者 2 級 ) 回答時間:2009-08-27 02:24:47 [ 檢舉 ] I'm Miss "American Dream" Since I was 17 Don't matter if I step on the scene Or sneak away to the Philippines They still got pictures of my derrière in the magazine You want a piece of me? You want a piece of me? I'm Miss "Bad Media Karma" Another day, another drama Guess I can't see no harm In working and being a mama And with a kid on my arm I'm still an exception, and all you Want a piece of me I'm Mrs. "Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "Oh My God, That Britney's Shameless!" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "Extra! Extra! This Just In!" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "she's too big, now she's too thin" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. 'You want a piece of me?' Tryin' and pissin' me off Well get in line with the paparazzi Who's flippin' me off? Hoping I'll resort to some hoc And end up settlin' in court Now are you sure you want a piece of me? (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "Most Likely To Get On TV For Strippin' On The Streets" When getting the groceries, no, for real Are you kidding me? No wonder this panic in the industry I mean, please Do you want a piece of me? I'm Mrs. "Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "Oh My God, That Britney's Shameless!" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "Extra! Extra! This Just In!" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "she's too big, now she's too thin" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Miss "American Dream" Since I was 17 Don't matter if I step on the scene Or sneak away to the Philippines They still got pictures of my derrière in the magazine You want a piece of me? You want a piece, piece of me? You want a piece of me? 參考資料 http://www.lyrics007.com/Britney%20Spears%20Lyrics/Piece%20Of%20Me%20Lyrics.html 2009-08-27 02:25:26 補充 I'm Mrs. "Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "Oh My God, That Britney's Shameless!" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "Extra! Extra! This Just In!" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "she's too big, now she's too thin" (You want a piece of me?) 2009-08-27 02:25:44 補充 I'm Mrs. "Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "Oh My God, That Britney's Shameless!" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "Extra! Extra! This Just In!" (You want a piece of me?) I'm Mrs. "she's too big, now she's too thin" (You want a piece of me?) 2009-08-27 02:26:02 補充 Oh yeah You want a piece of me 參考資料 不好意思,字數會超過限制所以用補充的方式 :) 相關詞: one piece,piece of me,piece of cake,piece of love,piece歌詞,master piece,新垣結衣piece,last piece,t-piece,piece of my wish [ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 1 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) 發問者評價 因為你最快! 發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 索取商英光碟+小書 多益700分測驗題庫 立即測試你的多益等級 寒假輕鬆學*數學大躍進 林晟老師把數學變簡單了 數學不再一知半解的方法 相關問答 [ 西洋音樂 ]Piece By Piece 中文歌詞 歌手:Feeder [ 電子舞曲 ]piece of me [ 西洋音樂 ]求小甜甜布蘭妮 piece of me 的動態歌詞 [ 日韓音樂 ]找歌詞piece of my wish [ ]one piece成員 [ 日韓音樂 ]新坦結衣-piece 更多 其他回答(1) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) 001 回答者:尼莫 ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間:2009-08-27 02:42:13 [ 檢舉 ] I'm Miss American Dream since I was 17 Don't matter if I step on the scene Or sneak away to the Philippines They still gonna put pictures of my derrire in the magazine You want a piece of me? You want a piece of me… I'm Miss bad media karma Another day, another drama Guess I can't see the harm In working and being a mama And with a kid on my arm I'm still an exceptional earner You want a piece of me (Chorus) I'm Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous (You want a piece of me) I'm Mrs. Oh my God that Britney's Shameless (You want a piece of me) I'm Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in (You want a piece of me) I'm Mrs. she's too big now she's too thin (You want a piece of me) I'm Mrs. 'You want a piece of me?' Tryin' and pissin' me off Well get in line with the paparazzi Who's flippin' me off Hopin' I'll resort to some hoc End up settlin' in court Now are you sure you want a piece of me? (you wan' a piece of me...) I'm Mrs. "Most likely to get on the TV for slippin' on the streets" When getting the groceries, not for real.. Are you kidding me? No wonder there's panic in the industry I mean, please, do you want a piece of me? (Chorus) I'm Miss American Dream since I was 17 Don't matter if I step on the scene Or sneak away to the Philippines They still gon' be pictures of my derrire in the magazine You want a piece of me? You want a piece, piece of me… You want a piece of me? (Chorus) X 2 2009-08-27 02:44:29 補充 中文歌詞 從17歲開始,我就是美國夢小姐 不管我出現在螢幕上,或是偷偷溜去菲律賓 我的豐臀美照依然在雜誌上 怎麼樣,來咬我啊 你想要打架嗎? 我是衰到家小姐 每一天都上演不同的戲碼 不管是對我的工作,還是我這個母親來說 我都無法忽視我所受到的傷害 以及在我手中的孩子 我仍然是個的例外 你想要打架嗎? 2009-08-27 02:45:11 補充 複歌 我是超有名氣的時尚錢母 (想咬我嗎?) 我是人人口中的那個不知羞恥的布蘭妮 (想打架嗎?) 我是超!超!超級正媽布蘭妮 (想咬我嗎?) 我也是那個忽胖忽瘦的布蘭妮 (想打架嗎?) 我是"怎麼樣,想咬我嗎?" 來啊,試著考驗我的耐心,和狗仔隊一起排隊吧 是誰在詛咒我,希望我惹來一場大風波 最後鬧上法院和解落幕 現在你確定想要來打一架嗎? 來咬我啊! 2009-08-27 02:45:45 補充 我是在街邊跳也能紅到電視上的 當我去買雜貨的時候,不,說真的 你在跟我開玩笑嗎? 我讓演藝圈裡神經緊張 我的意思是,拜託,你想要咬我嗎? 來打架啊! 複歌 從17歲開始,我就是美國夢小姐 這些和我出現在螢幕上,或是偷偷溜去菲律賓都沒有關係 即使如此,我的豐臀美照依然在雜誌上出現 怎麼樣,來咬我啊 你想要打架嗎? 複歌x2 1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎? 發表 取消 目前沒有資料 我要評論 註冊 公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 最新電子舞曲 發問中 已解決 20點尋求答案~影片28秒開始音樂名稱是? 求音樂 嘻哈 舞曲 請問影片中的舞曲歌名叫什麼??? 請問以下的舞曲名稱有誰知道(贈15點) 一個人想著一個人要在哪裡 更多 找一首歌的歌名 謝金燕的練武功音樂網址 請問這首歌的歌名是甚麼? 請問她們跳的舞是什麼+歌名(大約有10首歌曲)? 20點 1首歌 10點 更多 精選關鍵字 歌 Disco 新歌 類型 電音 混音 Remix DJ 團體 舞蹈 語法 台客 背景音樂 嘻哈 影片 前奏 音樂 電子琴 快歌 街舞 歌名 舞曲 歌曲 網誌 歌手 變音 復古 Party 知識搜尋 雅虎資訊 版權所有 (c) 2013 Yahoo! Taiwan. 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